20 Aug 2007

The Quest Continues...

Munich aka beer central!

Found a hostel called WOMBATS! Fucking yes! Awesome! (hot receptionist aswell =P)

First things being third... a food hunt was on. Found a place called Goulash Grill...
...did they serve goulash??.. did they bollocks..fucking con. ended up with stuffed raw peppers! Wasn't too bad but I wanted fucking goulash! bastards.

Happy hour in the Wom-Bar (no really the hostel was full of really cheesey puns) became happy session eg 5 hours...
Got talking to a hot Aussie lass, wel actauklly she started talking to me, she had a boyfriend....damn!

Then Me, a Geordie, some canadians and some yanks trundled /staggered off to Hofbrauhausen beer HALL!!

Its the big famous one where Hitler gave some of early speeches.

Beer was only served in 1 litre ....erm...glass bucket like tankards! and for 6 euros a pop (although I scammed some of mine of the others =D) it was pretty cheap... oh yes I was shitfaced....

.....but it didn't stop there, oh no kiddies, there were fountains on the way back to the hostel/late bar next door!

Now being a Brit and pissed up in Germany they was an almost obligatory "running with arms out like a plane singing The Dambusters March" through this fountains, the locals didn't luck happy.....so I did it again!!! =S
At least I wasn't doing a John Cleese impersonation! that would just be rude!

Needless to say getting to bed at 4:30am meant the next day was particularly hungover.

The Morning After...

Got talking to one of the scousers in my dorm.

Scouser: what d'ya do at home then mate?"

Trix: "Aerospace Engineering. You?"

Scouser: "Special forces...SBS."

Trix: "ermmmmmmmmmmm"

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Now not having a bed for the night would normally be a bit of an issue. But not for Trix oh no suree.
1st train to Budapest 4am...
bar closes.. 4am... sorted!! well so I thought.
5:30! the next morning I'm woken up by some German coppers wanting to arrest me for vagrancy as I was passed out (with my kit this time) in the metro station (narrowly got out of it by producing a metro ticket) missed the train though...arse!
Next train to Buda of Pest... 9:30. I was still pissed/hang over starting woth 4 hours to wait until I could get some kip!!!! Bollocks (and thats how i felt aswell) probably shouldn't have had those 4 pints in the 2nd bar at 3am!!! oops.
More later folks...needing a beer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

matt dude, dont forget to do somthin or other that i seem to have forgot:) nathan