20 Aug 2007

Quest for 'Pest

Ok so maybe I'm like 10 days behind with this but gonna get as much up now as possible before my fingers drop off.

The Return Ferry auf Stockholm

In a word - shit..
  • Different boat with NO WHERE to sit on deck getting hammered... again !
  • No where quiet to crash down, fucking casinos everywhere.
  • Crashed out on a park bench thing and kept getting woken up by some pissed up Fins checking if I was "alright"... I was until you woke me up for the third time you cock jockey

Basically it was a shit journey....but it was free so that made it OK. kind of. fucking nosy foreign pissed up arseholes.


Spent a whole hour here!!

Things achieved:

  • Found a Netto! =)
  • Pissed off some shopkeeper trying to buy film for my camera (I'm not in the digital age yet!)
  • Saw an activists march/protest waving triangular red flags... I left....very quickly...Yellow netto bag in tow....didn't wanna get caught up in any kind of thing like tat eg burning embassies and the like...
  • Ate a BK
  • Ended up with about a fiver in Danish bloody coins (why can't they have a paper currency) which are useless cus I no intention of going back there.

Things not achieved:

  • Getting a bacon sarny.

Train to Munich

Had the sense to get a "couchette" (its a fold down bunk) for this train cus it was another long one to Munich via Copenhagen.

A moment of spontanuity made me wander into a completely random compartment full of swedes and try to convince them I was researching where everyone on the train was from....they wern't convinced but the look of curiosity/disgust on their faces made it all worth the while =D

The Austrian bloke in the compartment I was in spent a while telling me how he used to be a truck driver and most of the Austrian guys in the company used to drive hungover after sessioning the ferries!!!! Nutters!

Woke up in Munich.

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